Wednesday, August 26, 2009
picture discussion 2
I think that the people were celebrating Singapore national day as I can see people waving their small Singapore flag and wearing a cap that has printed Singapore 30th birthday. The people in the picture look happy and excited. I think that they are wondering what kind of performances the people will be performing .I also think that the lady in the middle was very lucky to have her birthday in the same day of national day as people in Singapore will be celebrating for her as well and maybe she can get herself a discount for buying things in some shops too. I think that it was a bright and sunny day as people were wearing caps and holding umbrella to shade them from the hot sun.
It was good that Singapore was a harmonious and a peaceful country and there were no riots around. Unlike some other countries. I do hope that Singapore will always be peaceful.
221 words
Monday, August 24, 2009
picture discussion
Monday, August 3, 2009
(Word count:137)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
A time when I felt unloved
My grandfather came into the kitchen and saw me bleeding.He carry me into the bathroom and wash my wound and ask me why am I doing this to my hand.I replied softly and said that my parents does not care about me anymore so I do this is to try to seek their attention so that they will spend time to look after me.My grandfather said that I was very silly.He said,"your mother and father still cares about you even though they were busy with their works,you are their daughter and they love you more than anything else.I know that cause I have childrens too so now do not try anything stupid."
It was really stupid of me to believe that my parents does not love me.It is just that I did not realise how they care about me.Now,I believe that my parents will still care and love me no matter what happened.
Caught in a Storm
I jumped out of my bed crying and screaming.My mother and my uncle came into the living room to see what is wrong.When my mother saw me crying hardly and she trys to calm me down but it was futile.My uncle was standing beside my thinking about what can he do to help me stop crying.All of the sudden,he ran to his room and took out his CD player.He put in the ear piece and put it in my ear.He increase the volume and I cannot hear any thunder or lighting except the music that the CD is playing and I stopped crying.After that,when there is thunder or lighting,I will listen to the CD player which calm me down.
As I grow up,I was not afraid of thunder and lighting anymore.Thinking back when I was a small kid who was afraid of thunder and lighting really sounds quite stupid to me now.
Pulau Ubin
Mr Robert Lim
The Director
Urban Re-development Authority
8 Temasek Boulevard
Suntec Tower 3
Singapore 038988
Dear Mr Lim
Proposal to upgrade Pulau Ubin
I am Sheryl,President of the Green Plan 2012 Club,would like to develop Pulau Ubin to help serve the residents better and bring more tourist to the island.I have interviewed several residents their views on what we need to improve Pulau Ubin.Some wishes to have a new clinic and a school for the locals to study better and changing transport to the mainland instead of taking a bumboat as it was very inconvenient.
In order to make places around Pulau Ubin accessible,we would need to improve on the bus services,roads and infrastructure.We wish to add in cycling tracks and nature trails.Some consider transforming Ubin into a 21st century New Town so that they can enjoy best of the both worlds by having shopping facilities and a relaxing way of life by having nature at their doorsteps.A part time hawker assistant,Mrs Tan Li Lin , wish to have a reliable water supply as it was very important.She hope to start a coffee stall that can attract many campers and day trippers.We also wish to preserve Chek Jawa,as the pride of Pulau Ubin,as a nature reserve.
We do hope that you can accept this proposal to develop Pulau Ubin to a better place for the resisdents.
Yours faithfully
Green Plan 2012 Club
Sheryl Chia
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Natural disaster
Earthquake in Japan
In 16 july 2007,monday at about 11.55 am,a 6.8 magnitude tremor struck Japan in Niigate area.Hundreds of people were injured badly.There were seven deaths in the city of Kashiwazaki.Four women and 3 men,aged between seventy to eighty,died from severe injuries.
Two thousand people have evacuated,older building which most of them were wooden houses or houses that have heavy tile roofs,appeared to have suffered the most damaged during the earthquake which has also cracked roads and buckled bridges.The hospitals were fulled with people that have suffered injures during the earthquake.A resident described the moments the earthquake hits.He said that it was so strong that people hardly could stand on their feets and so people got hide under the table while others ran out of their house.
The violent shaking lasted for 20 seconds.Earthquakes are very common in Japan as Japan was situated in one of the most seismically active area.Three years ago,the earthquake hit the same area.left 65 people dead while another earthquake hit the city of Kobe in 1995, killing more than sixty-five thousand of people.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
My views about terrorism
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Trip to Chek Jawa
Chong Boon Secondry School
2 Ang Mo Kio st 44
Singapore 569250
Dear Chong Boonites,
We,the members of the green club, are organising a trip to Chek Jawa,a popular nature enclave which was also very rich in biodiversity, in Pulau Ubin.There is about two thousand people have visited the unique ecosystem in the two hundred to two hundred fifty tours conducted each year.
In Chek Jawa,there are many beautiful and colourful marine flora and fauna across-the-board and was the home of many animals and plants,you can also find plants that was no longer common Singapore.When there is a low tide,you will be able to see much more!
You can learned many things in Chek Jawa and we promise that Chek Jawa will give you an unforgetable memories that makes you want to come back and visit.
Yours faithfully,
Sheryl Chia
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Reflective summary
My reflective summary will be about harps seals, koala bears, snowy owl, ocelot and snow leopards.
From what I have research on, Harps seals populations are decreasing as hunters hunt for their snow white fur and their seal oil. Their fur will be use as clothes. Their seal oil is sold in markets as they are rich in omega 3 fatty acids.
Koala bears are found in Australia. In South Australia, koala bears are no longer found but the Americans captured koala bears in the north and release them in the suitable forest in the south. Australia government has set up laws to protect koala bears. Australians are also trying to protect their source of food and their habitat from human activities.
Snowy owls are found in northern Scandinavia, Russia, Alaska and Canada in the frozen tundra but recently some snowy owl are found in Belgium and Netherlands. Snowy owls are protected in UK but it is legal for Alaska for Alaskan to hunt snowy owls. Alaskan can kill unlimited snowy owls for food and clothes but they are not allowed to sell parts of the owls to people. Snowy owls are value for their feet and eyes.
Ocelot or rather known as painted leopards is the one of the most feline animal in the world. Ocelot’s furs are highly demanding in industries in Europe and Asia. Even though they are ban to kill anymore ocelot, people still kill the mothers of the ocelot to obtain their kittens and then they sold them to markets at the central and South America to tourist as pets.USA has estimated that there are less than one hundreds of them left. They are still decreasing as there is not enough food for them to survive.
Snow leopards are value for their beautiful furs some which is white, yellowish and brown. They are covered with brown or black spots. Their furs are turned to coats and other garment in central Asia, Eastern Europe and Russia. People still hunt them even they are illegal. They are estimated that there are about three thousand five hundred to seven thousand left in the wild and about six hundred to seven hundred left in the zoo.
In my opinion,we can contribute our effort to save these cute litle animals and prevent them form extinction , we are the ones for cause them to be endangered so we must try to keep them alive so that out future generation could experience seeing these beautiful animals instead of looking at them in the picture.Instead of taking we they have, we should try to use things that are manmade to made things that we want. we should learned from our mistake and pass that on to others so that they can contribute like not to buy things that are made from animal skin or parts, if that continues, hunters will not able to earn the amount of killing these animals so the market will stop selling them.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
snow leopards conservation
Snow leopards are value for their beautiful furs,white,yellowish or soft gray coat with black or brown spots.With their thick furs,they can adapt to the dry and cold habitat easily.
Snow leopards can live for about twenty one years in captivity but when it is left in the wild ,it is hard to determine their lifespan.
Snow leopards are mostly value for their furs and people illegally trade for their furs.snow leopards bones and body parts are an ingredient to make asian medicines.Their furs are turned into coats and other garment in central asia,easthern europe and russia.They are also increasing fights between human and snow leopards as they attack their livestock when food is hard to find.
There is only about three thousand and five hundred to seven thousand in the wild and about six hundred and seven hundred left in the zoos.They can be found in easthern china,russia,Afghanistan and Kazakstan.China is made up of sixty persent of their habitat.snow leopards has already disappeared in mongolia.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
ocelot conservation
Ocelots,also known as painted leopards or leopardus pardalis,are one of the most feline species in the world.Ocelots fur are high demand in the industries in europe and asia because of this reason,some countries have set up new laws to protect ocelot and other small cats.
Their population has decrease due to some of them black markets trade and their habitat destructions cause by some human activites.USA has estimated that there are less then one hundred left.
Female ocelot give birth to two to three baby ocelot in seventy to eighty days of gestation.They are born in dense thicket or among roots of fallen trees.
Females ocelot need about one and a half year to be mature and male ocelot need about two and a half years for be mature.People usually kills the mother ocelots ot obtain their kittens.They sold them to markets at the central and south america and sold them to tourist as pets.In 1970 and 1980,their population started to decline when thousand of ocelot were killed for their furs to be sold in markets.They are still decreasing as there is not enough prey for them to eat.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Snowy owl conservation
Snowy owls can be found in the north in northen scandinavia,Russia,alaska and canada in the fozen tundras.some of the snowy owls are seen in Belgium and netherlands.They are among the largest noth america owls.The oldest bird that live in the wild is only nine years but when someone adpoted them they can lived as long for twenty-eight years.
Snowy owls are protected in UK and thoughout america but in Alaska it is legel for them to kill unlimited amount of snowy owls for food an clothes but for their parts are illegel.Snowys owls eyes and feet are sold in high value in the Asia markets.
Sometimes other animals like jaegers and artic foxs will steals aways their eggs and chicks but most of the causes are caused by human activites like the loss of their habitat ,collisions with vehicles and manmade barriers like fence.
In the the frozen tundras where they lived,there is large variety of preys for them to choose for.Their acute hearing can enable them to catch any preys below ten inches of snow.They usually sit on hills to wait for their preys to come.When food is hard to catch,they could live the reserve fats for about six weeks.
Friday, March 20, 2009
koala bears conservation
Koala bears are no longer found in south australia as they are all wiped out however koala bears found in the north are captured and were released in suitable forest in the south.
Koala bears are founded my the first europeans in australia in the year of 1700,there are about 10 millions or more but for the past two centuries,the populations had dropped dramatically.Scientists believe that there are about 100,000 to 200,000 koala bears now.
Koala bears are currently not an endangered animal but their loss for habitat will cause them to extinct sooner or later.Now,australia goverment made new laws to protect them.Australians are trying to protect eucalyptus trees,which is their source of food,so that there will be enough for them to eat.
Koala bears is not eay to keep in captivity as they are fussy eaters but there are sucessful breeding programmes.
Koalas are a protected species, which means that people cannot take them from the wild or have them in their possession without a special permit. It also means koalas cannot be kept as pets. However, although these laws exist to protect koalas themselves, the laws fail to protect the eucalyptus woodlands where they live, and without eucalyptus trees there would be no koalas.
There are a few ways to protect koala bears
- Create more habitats for koalas by restoring eucalyptus forest.
- Protect young trees from sheep and rabbits with fences
- Link koala woodlands by planting trees between them, forming corridors that koala can move through freely.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Harp Seals conservations
Today,I will be doing harps seals conservations.
Harp seals are in danger in reducing their populations as hunters hunted them for their beautiful white fur from baby harp seals to make clothes and their seal oil, which is growing in markets.Seal oil are rich in omega 3 fatty acids .
Over-fishing and some climate change are also another threats that could reduce their preys,when their preys are reduced,their populations will ve affected as there is not enough food for them.
Global warming is another cause for the decrease in their populations.The females has less land to give birth when all the iceberg starts to melts causing their babies to drown or get crushed when the ice starts to breaks.
Russia has currently banned hunters from hunting young harp seals.Not only Russia has banned hunting for harp seals,some countries had also banned them from killing harp seals.