Sunday, March 22, 2009

Snowy owl conservation

Today,i am doing snowy owl conservation.This reserch is done in my group too.
Snowy owls can be found in the north in northen scandinavia,Russia,alaska and canada in the fozen tundras.some of the snowy owls are seen in Belgium and netherlands.They are among the largest noth america owls.The oldest bird that live in the wild is only nine years but when someone adpoted them they can lived as long for twenty-eight years.
Snowy owls are protected in UK and thoughout america but in Alaska it is legel for them to kill unlimited amount of snowy owls for food an clothes but for their parts are illegel.Snowys owls eyes and feet are sold in high value in the Asia markets.
Sometimes other animals like jaegers and artic foxs will steals aways their eggs and chicks but most of the causes are caused by human activites like the loss of their habitat ,collisions with vehicles and manmade barriers like fence.
In the the frozen tundras where they lived,there is large variety of preys for them to choose for.Their acute hearing can enable them to catch any preys below ten inches of snow.They usually sit on hills to wait for their preys to come.When food is hard to catch,they could live the reserve fats for about six weeks.

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