Sunday, March 29, 2009

Reflective summary

My reflective summary will be about harps seals, koala bears, snowy owl, ocelot and snow leopards.

From what I have research on, Harps seals populations are decreasing as hunters hunt for their snow white fur and their seal oil. Their fur will be use as clothes. Their seal oil is sold in markets as they are rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

Koala bears are found in Australia. In South Australia, koala bears are no longer found but the Americans captured koala bears in the north and release them in the suitable forest in the south. Australia government has set up laws to protect koala bears. Australians are also trying to protect their source of food and their habitat from human activities.

Snowy owls are found in northern Scandinavia, Russia, Alaska and Canada in the frozen tundra but recently some snowy owl are found in Belgium and Netherlands. Snowy owls are protected in UK but it is legal for Alaska for Alaskan to hunt snowy owls. Alaskan can kill unlimited snowy owls for food and clothes but they are not allowed to sell parts of the owls to people. Snowy owls are value for their feet and eyes.

Ocelot or rather known as painted leopards is the one of the most feline animal in the world. Ocelot’s furs are highly demanding in industries in Europe and Asia. Even though they are ban to kill anymore ocelot, people still kill the mothers of the ocelot to obtain their kittens and then they sold them to markets at the central and South America to tourist as pets.USA has estimated that there are less than one hundreds of them left. They are still decreasing as there is not enough food for them to survive.

Snow leopards are value for their beautiful furs some which is white, yellowish and brown. They are covered with brown or black spots. Their furs are turned to coats and other garment in central Asia, Eastern Europe and Russia. People still hunt them even they are illegal. They are estimated that there are about three thousand five hundred to seven thousand left in the wild and about six hundred to seven hundred left in the zoo.

In my opinion,we can contribute our effort to save these cute litle animals and prevent them form extinction , we are the ones for cause them to be endangered so we must try to keep them alive so that out future generation could experience seeing these beautiful animals instead of looking at them in the picture.Instead of taking we they have, we should try to use things that are manmade to made things that we want. we should learned from our mistake and pass that on to others so that they can contribute like not to buy things that are made from animal skin or parts, if that continues, hunters will not able to earn the amount of killing these animals so the market will stop selling them.

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